The Bernice Nature Center has many friends to admire. 


One Big Bunny, Thor is a Flemish Giant. When he’s not in his cage you’ll find him hopping around the nature center or hiding under the benches. Thor is fond of reminding our visitors that, while he’s mostly gentle…anything with a mouth can bite. No shoelace is safe when Thor is out and about.

Big Momma

A lover of relaxing, sleeping, and being lazy, this albino racoon is content kicking back while Lil Bit burns off energy in their enclosure


A Gopher Tortoise, Gopher has as much personality and originality as his name. Not one for the spotlight, he’s more content under the heat lamp. 


Our newest resident prairie dog, this chatty member of the center loves getting cheek rubs from Amanda.

Lil Bit

A leucistic racoon, this little youngster loves to climb and play.


An African Spurred Tortoise, Bumper has a lot of personality.